Tuesday, April 12, 2011

hallway coffee

I love making my own coffee in the morning. There's just something special you get with a french press that the standard, gurgley coffee machine is lacking. My only problem was that my roommate was sleeping and my grinder sounds like a chainsaw, and we all know how awful it is to wake up to a chainsaw in the kitchen. I hatched a master plan and traveled with purpose into the hallway looking for the nearest outlet. The one I found was right outside the door of the public bathroom (I live in a hybrid residential/office building with apartments sharing the hallway with several businesses, so I don't feel inclined to get to know them really. It's also nice to have the option of a public bathroom that is not sharing the atmosphere with our bedroom). So I'm standing there, in my flannel pants and slippers pushing a big black button on the whirring blender. It's really loud and takes only a couple seconds to grind the beans, but I really didn't want someone to encounter me in this situation. I could only imagine the clever remarks I would receive from random passerbys going to and fro in their daily undertakings. "I guess you could use some coffee this morning! hahaha" or maybe "you look lost" or really anything about me not seeming to be awake and needing coffee. Oh, the laughs. Or they would simply walk by and try not to make eye contact. ooh, awkward. Anything really would have been a damper to my morning.

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