Friday, September 18, 2009

I used to think that the concept of driving on the right side of the road was a simple one; very easy to follow. I used to assume that everyone understood this and followed this, even on a bicycle. That is, until my life flashed before my eyes. I had never biked under Highway 97 on Franklin before. The highway isn't suspended above the ground like in big cities; it's right on the ground, but if you want to take the road underneath it, you must go slightly underground into one of those tunnels that a troll might live in. So as I was making my way down Franklin and under the highway as I came up to a separate tunnel made especially for bikes. I thought "yippy! a tunnel made just for me!" But little did I know that it was made just for me and an ignorant bicycler who just happened to be going through the tunnel at the same time. I was going one way and he the other, but this tunnel is not a very large (or well lit) one. When you go through the tunnel, it's a lot like those fully enclosed water slides. Just enough light to see where you're going (and just enough wall to silence your screams!). It's also just big enough for ONE bike. Therefore, I thought, well, it would be a good idea for me to go through this tunnel with the direction of the traffic. The idea was good, but it would've been better if I would have shared this with the crazy biker coming through the tunnel at precicelly the same time I was entering going the opposite way I was going! Holy crap, man. I could've suffered some serious injuries. I wasn't even wearing my helmet! Which, I guess, was my fault. Lesson learned: wear a helmet, because looking cool cannot protect me.

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